Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hilda and Lizet's Adventure

Another Hilda and Lizet adventure unfolded on Valentine's Day 09'.  Head back to Lizet's house after spending the day in Oceanside shopping for our outfits for Lizet's BD, we found ourselves over the Oceanside/Carslbad bridge after Lizet's car ran out of gas.  The car stopped in the middle of the bridge so some random guys helped us move it to the side of the road.  The Chevron was just down the street that we ended up walking there, ok more like jaywalking.  I was freazing my ass off and I was super tired but after getting the gas I didn't feel either...LOL.  So we have the gas and then the battery died while we were getting the gas.   Lizet ended up calling her roadside assistance which I was surprised didn't take too long to arrive.   He was this cute white guy so at least I got some good eye candy out of it.  Lizet and I could not stop laughing even thouhg we were both kind freaked out at first.  What a year this has been.....

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